FHE Ideas for Singles/Couples

Family Home Evening for Adults

Here are some fun Family Night ideas for couples and singles 

An Evening Out - Have a picnic right outside and take our Ensign and read to one another. 

Preach My Gospel - Study Preach My Gospel and try to apply it to us as members. It is a great tool to keep you missionary minded. 

Emergency Preparedness
- Put a 72-hour kit together. Every six months hold a FHE where you eat the food in your kit and replace it with a fresh supply. Also make sure clothes still fit, batteries are still good, etc.

Service -Do a service project or random act of kindness

Family History - Work on your family history! Get some names ready for the temple. 

Game Night -Invite some neighbors over for a night of fun and games.

Ready for Sunday - Read the lesson for the next Sunday, either the Relief Society/Priesthood lesson or the Sunday School lesson, not only will you enjoy the lessons more, but it will make the teachers happy that someone read. 

LDS Trivia - Use the trivia on This page to make up races to see who can find the answers first.

Topic Study - Pick a topic out of the bible dictionary to study and learn more about.  Share your thoughts and feeling with your spouse or in your journal.

Word Games - Play Scrabble, Boggle, Upwards, or any other word game using only words that can be found in the scriptures. 

Family Proclamation - Write your own Family Proclamation. List goals for your family and what you would like your family to represent and be known for.  List the values that you would like to adhere to in order to accomplish that goal. Print it on nice paper and frame it.  Then display it in   the living room or other area where it can be seen. 

Enjoy your surroundings -Go on a hike or walk a nice trail and enjoy the beauty around you.